Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cool Air Blows

Success! The workmen left today with cool air blowing through the evaporative air cooler. Il-humdu-lilah!* As I sat with my G&T contemplating tomorrow's painting job I realized that I do not have all the necessary equipment. I forgot to buy sandpaper and a edging brush; and I don't even have a stir stick. Tsk. There is a family reputation to uphold here, so I need all the proper equipment . . . with the exception of the paint tray. So tomorrow will be a shopping trip to the 'big city' and maybe I'll be ready to paint on Friday. In the meantime, there is a heck of a mess to clean up.

*Il-humdu-lilah translates as "Thanks be to God". As previously noted, everything is accomplished through divine intervention here so the expression is commonly used. I know a man who ends every sentence with it. For example:
"My name is Shari. Il-humdu-lilah. I have a blog. Il-humdu-lilah. Many people visit it. Il-humdu-lilah. I have 59 posts so far. Il-humdu-lilah."
So as you see, there's a certain logic to it. Il-humdu-lilah.


  1. ... ssoooo000 .. what does all this look like from the outside .. this should be an issue with all the whooshing visitors ... or is it to be a suitable diversion from your nightgown - though I doubt it ...

  2. My mom suggested that I open a drive-thru Tim Horton's off my balcony. I think coffee and muffins would be more of an attraction. ;-)
