Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cleaning House

You may wonder what David has to do with cleaning house. A whirlwind of activity this morning was generated by the proposed visit of a local family. In such instances, David is sent into the bathroom closet so as not to cause discomfort among our guests. I considered draping him with a loin cloth but that seemed to negate everything that he symbolizes.


  1. Have you attempted the painting yet? I've heard that the Time Traveller has a blog now too. Can you send the address? Hope you guys are having a very Happy Easter. Can you get jelly beans in Luxor??


  2. Hi! Unfortunately jelly beans have not made it to Luxor. However, the Time Traveller loaded up on chocolate at the duty-free store. Painting has been delayed. SOMEBODY wanted time to consider a different colour. Maybe green. sigh. I'll keep you posted. The Time Traveller welcomes visitors at:

  3. ... so tell me where does 'David oh so Cute' go when he's not in the closet ..

  4. He strikes his pose on the bathroom countertop. Venus is in the other bathroom.
