Friday, May 13, 2011

Linguistically Challenged

To have another language is to possess a second soul.

Being a linguistically-challenged person, I don't laugh at someone trying to speak my language. There are times, however, when I can't help myself such as this morning when I happened to look at the label on a candle. I suspect the candle was imported from China.

Sometimes I can understand how the error occurred. "No Entery" signs popped up all around Luxor a few days ago. I haven't looked recently, but the sign at the gate to Luxor Temple used to read ENTERANCE. That, too, made sense. Perhaps I have been here too long???

Not sure what happened to the previous two posts. They seem to have disappeared into cyberspace. :-(  I'm certain I saw them posted but I'm starting to doubt myself. I'll blame it all on evil jinns and will try to re-create them.

Saturday morning Update: The original posts have returned. I read that there was a problem with Blogger and that many people lost their posts. Thank goodness it was only temporary. The incident emphasizes the ephemeral nature of the Net. More fragile than gossamer wings. I'm glad to have the original posts back and will delete their not-quite-clones.

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