Sunday, April 15, 2012

Divine Humour

There is hope for the future because God has a sense of humor and we are funny to God. 
Bill Cosby, American comedian

Today, the second Sunday of Easter being Holy Humour Sunday (also known as Bright Sunday or Laughter Sunday), the Reverend Liz urged the congregation to open our hearts to God's sense of humour and not miss out on the joy of creation. Later in the afternoon, I happened to see a robin in the bird bath. I stopped what I was doing to watch.

He splashed about and was having such a good time that a sparrow came to join in the fun. The robin didn't mind at all having others share in 'his' pool.

And then a dove came to visit and have a drink. What expressive faces these small creatures have! My red-breasted friend enjoyed the water for a good ten minutes. Those few minutes spent sharing in the joy of creation continue to fill my heart with smiles hours later.

Imaginative God, you smiled and the sun burst through the shadows of chaos;
you chuckled, and the platypus splashed in creation's fountain;
you laughed, and all that is good and beautiful was given shape by you;
howling with laughter at death's foolish belief that the tomb could hold your awesome love, your love burst forth in resurrection power as the stars pealed with joy,
You know better than we do, Amused God, what important people we believe we are.
Believing we have to be serious all the time, we miss out on the joy of your creation. 
Clinging to the despair which is our best friend, we ignore Jesus, who can bring us home to your heart.
Forgive us, Heart of Joy, and make us open to the startling and upside-down ways in which you work.
Fill us with Easter's laughter; fill us with the love poured into us through Jesus Christ.
Thom M. Shuman, adapted

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