Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Street Food

Food to a large extent is what holds a society together and eating is closely linked to deep spiritual experiences.
Peter Farb, Anthropologist

Yesterday's "Travel Tuesday" took me to a local koushary (pronounced koosh-ah-ree) restaurant. I won't say more, because you can check out Travel Tuesdays . . . on Thursday. ;-)  While writing about koushary, I got to thinking that I had not seen the colourful carts selling this hearty meal. Hours later, through some cosmic karma, I found myself standing in front of a cart at an intersection in the old section of town. The photo suggests no business, but crowds of children were seen getting a healthy meal on small stainless plates to take-away plastic tubs.

A short while later, I walked past a foul (pronounced fool) cart. From the giant urns using broom-stick sized ladles, the vendor scoops stewed fava beans into plastic bags for home consumption or into bread slices for a tasty sandwich.

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