Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Scenes Along Country Roads

It was a beautiful day for wandering narrow country roads alongside irrigation canals in search of woodworkers. Kingfishers perched on electrical lines strung across the canal, keeping watch for their breakfast that might swim past. That we were in farming territory was obvious by the traffic that filled the narrow roads: tractors 'piggy-backing' two wagons of sugar cane, donkey carts carrying penned chickens, pickup trucks with young bulls in the back, and motorcycles carrying freshly cut fodder from the field for some lucky animal back home.

Two scarecrows protected a wheat field while the farmers reclined in the shade under a nearby palm tree. One scarecrow was also lying down on the job. Even in a nondescript van, we were an anomaly on these roads as all the reclining farmers sat up and waved as we passed.

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