Friday, January 21, 2011

View from the Roof

When I come home feelin' tired and beat
I go up where the air is fresh and sweet (up on the roof)
I get away from the hustling crowd
And all that rat-race noise down in the street (up on the roof)
On the roof, the only place I know
Where you just have to wish to make it so
Let's go up on the roof (up on the roof)
Lyrics by Gerry Goffin and Carole King, 1962

Provisioning Cat was today’s priority, so I had to decline the Time Traveller’s invitation to climb Qurna mountain this afternoon. When he sent a message saying he had reached the top, I climbed the stairs to the roof and waved hello.

His path is discernible, even from 3 km away. I swear I saw a white Tilley hat sparkling from the top . . . but it may have been a sunspot.

Turning my attention from the mountain to the valley below, I was struck how I have moved from a landscape of white to one of vibrant green, but for the gallebeyyas, egrets . . .

. . . and donkeys. I believe I’ve mentioned that the Arabic name for the egret translates as “Farmer’s Friend”; hence, the two are often found side by side.

Next Morning Update:

It wasn't just the Time Traveller climbing into the heavens yesterday. We looked out last evening to see the Man in the Moon raising his head over Luxor. Only here can I make out his features. I love looking into his eyes!

1 comment:

  1. I saw the same full moon xc skiing in the river valley - quite magical amidst the deep soft new snow -

    todays wird - sprevig - spring coming or going
