Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Vedere, Ascoltare, Imparare | To see, to listen, to learn

If you make listening and observation your occupation, you will gain much more than you can by talk.
Robert Baden-Powell
I was surprised to come upon modern sculpture within a fourteenth century church. And I was also surprised that I was so moved by it. Created in 2009 by Hermann Josef Runggaldier, this statue of the Annunciation graces the upper church of St. Fermo. The simplicity of his captured expressions resonated with me as did his intention to present Mary as a "woman of listening". I walked away vowing to listen more.
Another exquisite Annunciation appears in the same church: this one is the first signed and dated work (1426) by Pisanello, an artist of high esteem in the courts of Venice, the Vatican, Milan and Naples (as well as Verona, it would seem).
That my Dad's hand-me-down camera could capture this detail of the Brenzoni Mausoleum (upper right corner) is almost as impressive as the art. Thanks, Dad! :-)
Earlier in the morning, I visited the basilica dedicated to Verona's patron saint, San Zeno. In this stunning Romanesque church you can see multiple layers of frescos painted over one another. I guess it is a common desire to redecorate every hundred years -- even if your walls are covered with masterpieces.
Also fascinating was the graffiti carved into the coloured wall plaster by supplicants seeking divine help.

Following a day of visual delights, my evening found me immersed in the culinary arts of pasta-making inside a lovely old palazzo with charming Valli as our patient teacher of a class of four. There is fresh tagliatelle in my future. :-)

1 comment:

  1. The colours in the wall art are incredible - and the 'hand me down' camera makes its own contribution to the recorded image. Let me know when you're taking orders for catering packs of the pasta... ;0)
