Saturday, March 3, 2012

Don't Forget the Teddy Bear(s)!

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.
A. A. Milne, English author (1882–1956) in Winnie the Pooh

Sitting with a cappuccino, flipping through a New Yorker magazine looking for the best parts -- the cartoons -- I happened upon one of an Egyptian theme. Thinking back to the contents of Tut's tomb and its vast amount of "stuff" packed for the king's voyage into the next life, I don't recall a Teddy bear in the inventory. The priests obviously missed something. All this chatter of forgetting something is relevant to 2012 as I pack for another journey and hope that I'm not forgetting anything. And, as a matter of fact, the bears are not yet in a box, carefully inventoried and labeled. Bokra.

A related quest for garbage bags and plastic wrap had me wandering Luxor's back streets this afternoon and I found myself standing before an abandoned house buried knee deep in new development. Poor thing; it's lovely door looks like it is sinking in the quicksand of time. 


  1. ... so you are still 'knee deep' into lovely discoveries ...
    todays words: feecom jobjoye

  2. Experience has shown that these creatures also travel well in hampers - especially those containing courgette cake...

  3. :-) What a memory!
    And what good memories!
