Wow! It's been an exciting day seeing so many new visitors arrive on the blog! I suspect that this reveals the network of an extraordinary person with many, many friends. Thank you!
The purpose of this evening's trip to the big city was twofold. While the Time Traveller had business in the industrial zone, I went off to purchase those imported products that make life feel not-so-foreign in a foreign land: Raisin Bran, Folgers coffee, and tonic water. It's always uncertain what will be available in the grocery store and, alas, tonight the shelves were empty of Folgers. So, tomorrow morning I'll be waking up to Isis brand organic coffee. The Isis people make great herbal teas but coffee is a whole different ballgame. I'll report back if it suceeds in starting my day with sufficient umph.
I usually use service taxis to get around town. Below is a 1-minute clip from of my return trip. There's never a dull moment!
-- so when did you jump off - i'm impressed not even the slightest jiggle of the camera - I love my bed time excursion to the land of Hatshput and that extraordinary person (a true Princess') with many, many friends. Thank you!