The scheduled arrival of a demolition crew to remove our old kitchen counters had me running out the door at 2pm. Although this is a prelude to better things, I abandoned the Time Traveller to deal with the chaos that I only want to imagine, not experience. I'm told the crew will saw the granite counters away from the wall. Ye gads! The noise! The mess! I will preserve my sanity at East Bank cafes. I'm writing this post from Snack Time, looking across at Abu Haggag's medieval minarets and Ramses' pylon for the Luxor Temple.
I worked last night to empty the kitchen. For the next 5 days we will be 'camping'. All the kitchen essentials are in the hallway. I've also left the Time Traveller enough tea and sugar to keep the work crew working.
With surplus furniture that will go to a friend piled in the living room and living room furniture in the bedrooms, the whole place is makloub (upsidedown). To preserve a little bit of sanity, we have left one corner of the balcony untouched. A quiet refuge. Stay tuned, and check out the Time Traveller's blog for the gory details . . . that's what I'm going to do. ;-)
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