The former incarnation of our kitchen had one short set of cupboards and little counter space.
I'm in heaven with all the new cupboards and counters -- the last one being installed yesterday evening. I'll ascend to seventh heaven when the carpenter adds some more shelves and builds a spice rack . . . but in the meantime, I can get cooking after a week's hiatus.
And what was the first meal made in the new kitchen?

Cat food. Poor Cat had to eat dry food yesterday when we ran out of the good stuff. Cat was anxious that I get started grinding the chicken.

After reading an article about the poor quality of dry food, I began making Cat's food. The recipe has recognizable ingredients: ground chicken legs, bones and all; liver; water, iodized salt; vitamin B; taurine, and cod liver oil. Cat seems friskier and her coat is silky. She also seems to like the taste, so it's worth a couple of hours of upper body workout every month.