Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sexy Veg

He draws asparagus and cabbages, but he's obsessed with artichokes. He draws them more than any other vegetable. Why artichokes?"

George drained his glass. "The artichoke is a sexy beast. Thorns to cut you, leaves to peel, lighter and lighter as you strip away the outer layers, until you reach the soft heart's core.

Allegra Goodman, American author, in The Cookbook Collector (2010)

Last night presented an opportunity for a culinary adventure. The beauty of the artichokes called out to me across the aisle in the grocery store: "Take me home." 

This first attempt involved steaming. A subsequent adventure is planned for the grill. I love these adventures!


  1. Cue appropriate background music:

  2. Too funny! I will never be able to eat an artichoke ever again without laughing. :-)

  3. ..and given the power of music, some caution may be be needed when preparing artichokes...make sure the kitchen curtains are closed...!
