Sunday, December 28, 2014

♬ Joy is Now in Every Place ♬

Joy is now in every place,
Christmas lightens every face;
now be with us, in your grace,

May the star that shone that night,
making your poor stable bright,
fill our hearts with love and light,

Through the New Year let it stay,
leading us upon your way,
making Christmas every day,

Now and ever may we find
your good news to fill our minds:
peace and love to humankind,
O hear us, bless us, holy Jesus.
Lyrics of hymn "Joy is now in every place", author unknown

In addition to the joy of Christmastide, there is much joy within my little abode as the quilted door hanging is now complete. It has been a work in progress for more than two years and I was determined to finish it for this Christmas. To my reckoning, I met my deadline because it graces my door before Little Christmas.

For me, the panel rings out joy with the angels and the stars in the heavens while the nobility of the camels emphasizes the glory of the occasion.

Just as the hymn urges, may the joy of Christmas fill our hearts throughout the new year so that we extend peace and love to everyone.

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