Scary stuff. I've been raised with a healthy respect for electricity. Who knows? Perhaps I stuck my finger in a wall socket as a child. In any case, I have always left electrical problems for others to fix. In Cairo, my friendly contractor Mr. Emad would send an electrician on a moment's notice to change an air conditioner fuse. Alas, our Luxor contractor phoned today to say that he and his team of carpenters and painters would not be coming as promised. I was ticked as all work gets postponed for yet another day AND I was wanting him to figure out why the hot water heater wasn't working.
Straightening my back (and drinking a cup of coffee to comtemplate the matter) I decided to "feel the fear and do it anyway." It may be a simple task for many, but I treated it as brain surgery. Step-by-step and Very Carefully. I did, however, drop the nut and bolt and had to go searching for them on my hands and knees. Cat found the bolt for me. ;-) Thankfully, I only needed to change one of the two 25amp fuses. Nonetheless, I'm very proud of myself because the hot water heater is working. Ilhumdulila!
Now I will go try to figure out why my dishwasher stopped working. I'm working on the hypothesis that it has something to do with a mouse that came to visit on Saturday evening. Stay tuned.
3:30PM Update:
As the temperature reached 40C, I thought I should check that my balcony plants were not wilting. I followed the farmer's model (with his gallabeyya hitched at his waist) and flooded the pots. He had his friend, the cattle egret, as a companion.

Yesterday I spotted an egret with orange plumage on its head and back and thought this was a new sub-species; but learned via Wikipedia that cattle egrets turn orange during breeding season. Must be sexy.

Note that the sugar cane is now as tall as a person. Once the flood recedes, I will go see what the new crop is.