Friday, January 8, 2016

Dawn Shines Bright

As dawn lightens, blow out the candle. Dawn is in your eyes now.
Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, Persian Sufi mystic (1207-1273)

Crossing the great old Prince Edward Viaduct that stretches across the Don River valley is the highlight of my work-a-day commute. I have fond memories of a childhood trip to the big city when my dad kept the kids occupied for a time with a ride on the subway. The experience of traveling through tunnels was fun but being held aloft by the bridge's see-through iron trusses was awesome. That child's excitement still flutters in this old heart. While I no longer kneel on the seat with my nose to the glass, each time the train exits the tunnel and the vista opens up I do pause and savor the moment.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Small Accomplishment

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
Peter Marshall, a Scottish-born Presbyterian minister and chaplain to the United States Senate (1902-1949)

It has taken two and a half days but I am proud to report that I have completed my first dining-room chair pad. While this may seem like a very small feat, I am pleased with my accomplishment because the fabric, foam and cording have sat in my den for two years untouched and I have finally done something with them and the result looks quite nice (if I do say so myself). Now, I'm just hoping that I will remember all the little lessons learned (a.k.a. mistakes) along the way so that the next five (!) are fabricated more quickly. Wish me luck!