Monday, June 22, 2015

A Geometrically Perfect Afternoon

Nature is impersonal, awe-inspiring, elegant, eternal. It's geometrically perfect. It's tiny and gigantic. You can travel far to be in a beautiful natural setting, or you can observe it in your backyard - or, in my case, in the trees lining New York City sidewalks, or in the clouds above skyscrapers.

Gretchen Rubin, American author of The Happiness Project

What a peaceful, meditative sight, looking up through the trellis into a blue expanse. In the background was the quiet conversation  of family around the table for a bar-be-qued meal in honour of Dad and Father's Day. There's something quite special about a low-key Sunday afternoon in summertime spent with family in the backyard.

1 comment:

  1. or in our case, pounding fence posts in the glaring sun!!!

